
Just two days ago, I was offered a job. In Portland. It would be anywhere from 20-40 hours a week, working on a research project through PSU and OHSU. The deal sounds incredibly wonderful, the only problem being that I would need to up and move out to Oregon nearly a month earlier than I had originally anticipated. I should be making apartment arrangements in just two weeks, so once I do that I’ll have a better idea of a date. Everything about this seems wonderful, and everyone is telling me to do it. The only drawback is that I’m afraid I won’t be “mentally prepared” by July. Whatever that means. I don’t even know what it would take for me to be “mentally prepared” to move across the entire country. Alone. Honestly, no matter how many times I say goodbye to my friends and family, this will still be difficult. So who knows. Maybe I should just peel the band-aid off early.

On another note, I’m moving to Portland, as I mentioned in an earlier post, “no strings attached.” (I believe that was the phrase I used.) I recently, mutually, ended a 3 and half year relationship, and have been forced to deal with that head-on now that I am home with nothing much else to focus on. Out of respect for both parties involved, I don’t need to go into details, but I think we both know the choice was one that needed to be made for the both of us. And honestly, it’s been another thing encouraging me to move out early. It hasn’t been as easy as I had hoped it would be, though I’m not quite sure what else I was expecting!

We must be willing to get rid of the life we planned, so we can have the life that’s waiting for us.

Yet Another Trip…

I’ll be officially moving to Portland in just about 3 months from now. What a crazy thought. No strings attached, just a new school to go to and a new city to live in. So much has changed in just a few short weeks, and yet I still know with all of my heart that this is what I’m meant to be doing. And I’m not going to let anything stop me. 

I’ve been accepted along with two other fellow students and my mentor to present our research project at the Human Behavior and Evolution Society Conference in Eugene, OR June 16-20. I spent some time applying for several grants since I knew I couldn’t afford to go out there without some extra help. After receiving the three grants I applied for, McNair also offered to help me out. Thank goodness! I’m lucky enough to be able to travel out there a few days early, as well. I’ll be flying into Portland on June 14th, spending a few days tooling around and searching for an apartment to move into, and then driving down to Eugene for the conference. So basically, I’ll be flying across the country and staying in Oregon for a week—completely on my own. I’m excited, nervous, anxious—you name it, I’ve probably felt it regarding all of this. It feels like growing up.