Week Recap

This past week, I…

-Kept myself quite busy (as usual).

-Realized I’ve been running myself ragged—and proceeded to take a 2 hour nap to fix that!

-Did some major painting with a few friends of mine yesterday. Thankfully with a little teamwork, we got the job done in an hour and a half!

-Spent a few hours traipsing around my old neighborhood.

-Enjoyed a Spicy Thai PB&J (yes, you read that correctly) from one of my favorite food carts.

-Hit up a 75% off book sale (eep!) and walked out with a brand new $30 cookbook and four other paperback books for a total of $6.25. 

-Spent some quality sibling time on Skype with my little brother. 

-Spray-painted a giant cabinet I bought a few weeks ago. Pictures to be posted tomorrow! 

-Explored a street fair taking place in my neighborhood. Got an ice cream cone and an iced coffee—for free! (As my Dad likes to say, “If it’s for free, it’s for me!”)

-Engaged in a little retail therapy. For under $40, I got a brand new pair of flats and running shorts from Gap, an adorable pair of wedges from Buffalo Exchange, and a vintage white and red polka dot blouse. This was my end-of-summer-treat. I may be going on another shopping hiatus very soon!

-Ran a total of 12 miles (needed a little break!).

-Went to 3 hot yoga classes.

Tumblr Buddies!: Tumblr Buddies, Year TWO!

Just signed up for this—I think it’ll be pretty fun/interesting/exciting to get random mail! 


Woohoo!  Just signed up for my second year of Tumblr Buddies!  I’m really excited!


It is that time again.

I am opening up enrollment for the second cycle of Tumblr Buddies!

For those of you new to the program, think of it like Secret Santa, but all year long! Everyone loves to get mail, and from the feedback from last year, everyone loves SENDING mail just as much.

Tumblr Buddies!: Tumblr Buddies, Year TWO!

Big Plans

I once again have been relatively quiet on these fronts. However, I’ve been thinking about my little blog quite a bit lately, as far as what I’d like to do with it in these coming months. I still want it to be a forum in which I can talk about my experiences with graduate school, but I’d also like to start doing more “informational” posts, if you will, about what it’s like to be in grad school, how exactly I got to where I am, and what to do once you’re here [in grad school]. 

That being said, I’m going to spend some quality time laying out some upcoming blog posts on paper this weekend so I can get some regular content going again. I love writing, and so there’s no reason for me to keep putting this aside!

If there’s anything else you’d like to see on here, or want me to talk about, please let me know! I’d definitely love suggestions. 

Week in Review…

This past week I…

-Worked. A lot. 

-Went to the coast with a group of my friends. And then waited with one of our friends after she got into a car accident in front of us. Thank god everyone was okay. 

-Sat on the beach looking at the ocean for the second time this summer.

-Had drinks with a few of my lady friends (2x!)

-Got a fabulous opportunity that will take me to Cincinnati next month.

-Ran a total of 13 miles.

-Went to two hot yoga classes. 

I’m running a half marathon too! It is in February. How are you training for it?

Yay! Good luck! I actually found a 10-week training plan online (after doing a little googling) that seemed reasonable and safe. You run 4 times a week, never more than 2 days in a row, and have all of your long runs on the weekend. I actually pulled my schedule from this site. It’s at the bottom! It assumes you’ve been running for at least 4 weeks before starting and can do 30 minutes without having to stop. Happy running! 🙂 

On Why I Run:

I recently signed up for my first half marathon. (Yikes!) After toying with the idea for awhile, and turning down a friend who asked me to run a full marathon with her, I decided to take the plunge and sign up for a race this coming October. Thankfully, I’ve been running again for awhile, but I officially started my training plan this morning. 

Over the next 10 weeks, I will run 195.1 miles in preparation for this race. And then I will kick this race’s ass. While I may be occasionally updating about my runs and my mileage, please don’t expect this to turn into a fitness blog. I’m still primarily focused on my studies, and school will be starting back up next month, with a ton of interesting stories to follow (one can only assume). 

For now, I leave you with some of the reasons I run:

-It’s a huge stress-reliever. 
-When I sit in front of a computer all day, it feels amazing to just move.
It’s a great time to just think.
-It gives me an incredible sense of accomplishment.
-After taking three years of high school cross-country and track to finish a 5K in under 30 minutes, it feels great to think about actually running a race that’s 13.1 miles long. And being completely capable of it. 

Creepin’ Back…

I agonized over writing a big post explaining my silence over the last few weeks.

But instead I decided to creep back with a couple of very short posts over the last day. And that’s worked just fine with me. 

Especially when this morning started off with a 2.5 hour phone call (only about five minutes of which were spent on the phone with an actual human being) to the IRS, a minor panic attack, and feeling completely frazzled. This continued on with feeling drained for the rest of day. 

Tomorrow will be a better day. I am determined to make it so. I will be spending the day in a nearby coffeeshop getting some serious work done. And refusing to stress out. 

How You Know You’re an Adult:

You seriously contemplate buying life insurance.

You wake up at 7:00am so you can get the “important” things done before you leave the house—like washing the dishes and having a wholesome breakfast.

You call the IRS at 8:00AM and sit patiently on hold for 15 minutes. 

You go garage sale-ing on the weekend—so you can fiind cheap furniture for your new apartment. 

You’ve started counting the number of friends and acquaintances that are popping up on Facebook either pregnant, married, or (God-willing) both. And then promptly feel like a spinster. 

Any additions?

(p.s. I should not feel like this at the ripe old age of 22!)