Big Plans

I once again have been relatively quiet on these fronts. However, I’ve been thinking about my little blog quite a bit lately, as far as what I’d like to do with it in these coming months. I still want it to be a forum in which I can talk about my experiences with graduate school, but I’d also like to start doing more “informational” posts, if you will, about what it’s like to be in grad school, how exactly I got to where I am, and what to do once you’re here [in grad school]. 

That being said, I’m going to spend some quality time laying out some upcoming blog posts on paper this weekend so I can get some regular content going again. I love writing, and so there’s no reason for me to keep putting this aside!

If there’s anything else you’d like to see on here, or want me to talk about, please let me know! I’d definitely love suggestions. 

Blog, Blog, Blog

Now turning to an entirely different note. I have been invited to contribute to other blogs! This excites me. A lot. 

I was a McNair Scholar at my undergrad, and I’m realizing in writing this post that I’ve never really elaborated on what that is, or my experiences with it. I jumped into writing this blog in the midst of my application process, and by that time, being a McNair Scholar was so much a part of my identity that it didn’t occur to me to fully explain it. 

To give you a [painfully] short explanation, the McNair program is a government funded opportunity for first generation and minority college students who intend on going to graduate school to earn their Ph.D. The McNair program pairs students with a faculty mentor to take part in an original research project, and also offers students with a plethora of other opportunities. I took a GRE prep class as part of my experience, and had an incredible amount of assistance in signing up for the GRE, applying to grad schools, and visiting two of my top choice schools. I also frequently attended workshops and meeting on topics that would help me be successful both in the last year of my undergrad and as a graduate student. This program, honestly, may have been one of the best things to ever happen to me.

Getting back to my original point, the director of CMU’s McNair program directed this year’s cohort of scholars to my blog quite awhile back, since I mainly talk about my graduate school experiences here. I was incredibly flattered when she initially told me about this! She also recently informed me that she created a blog of her own for the CMU McNair Program (which can be found here, if you’re interested: I will admit now and here that I haven’t actually gotten around to sitting down and writing this blog post, but I will. As soon as I settle on what to write about. If any of the scholars (or anyone else interested in grad school) is reading this, what sort of grad school advice would you like to see? Feel free to send your responses to my ask box:

In regards to the second blog, one of my best friends from back home (who now works at our undergrad) created a blog to offer “tips for success” for students. He’s soliciting posts that fit with the theme of the blog, and I’m sure I’ve got plenty to say in that realm. I think I’ve narrowed down what I could potentially write about, so I’ll be checking in with him this weekend before sending him something. 

(I’m really glad I can procrastinate with writing for pleasure. I knew that Creative Writing major would come in handy for something.)