Tuesday Check-In

Obsessing Over: The fact that I’ll be in Seattle in just a few short days! My guy and I are taking a train ride up there on Saturday morning and staying overnight, and I’m really looking forward to introducing him to the city and getting to see a bit more of it myself!

Working On: Trying to get the majority of my work done in the next few days so that I can seriously unplug for a little bit this weekend. I stayed up way too late on Sunday, so I’m already trying to catch up on my sleep (not possible!). 

Thinking About: When I’m possibly going to have time to do my laundry. Oh, and when and where I’m going to be able to get around to buying a couch. I’m excited to buy some furniture, but yikes, big purchase! 

Anticipating: Seattle. Seattle. Seattle!

Listening To: Good Morning America. 

Drinking: Orange Spice Black Tea. Yum.  

Wishing: That I could realistically squeeze in a bikram class this week. Doubtful.

Monday Check-In

Obsessing Over: Nothing new here – the sheer amount of work that is involved with studying for my comps. The first week I felt like I spent too much time studying, and not enough time taking care of all of my other responsibilities – this week, I feel the exact opposite. I need to do an actual separate post on what this all entails, but suffice it to say, it’s a real pain in the butt. 

Working On: A million different things – reading journal articles, writing outlines, reading more journal articles, and trying to brainstorm ideas for a research project.

Thinking About: How lucky I am to have my amazing boyfriend here, who’s been incredibly supportive of me these past several weeks. Also the really fun and busy weekend we had with close friends. (Happy hour and brunch and hiking and dinner oh my!)

Anticipating: Mid-May when I can have my life back.  

Listening To: A quiet apartment; a murmured phone conversation in the other room. 

Drinking: Nothing…though I should probably get some water in me! 

Wishing: That I could spend the rest of the night knitting. 

Monday Check-In

Obsessing Over: Beginning the long, grueling journey that lies in front of me – studying for my comprehensive exams. Today was the first day I ‘officially’ started reading, and it was a bit of a struggle. I feel the need to have the perfectly planned schedule, and already know that that’s next to impossible. Here goes nothing!

Working On: Trying to perfect my study plan, and then maybe getting back to reading! 

Thinking About: How lovely this past weekend was, and how much I’d like to go back and re-live it – if only for the fact that I could live in the post-quarter-starting-bliss that would return with it. 

Anticipating: Working from home (mostly) tomorrow. 

Listening To: Silence!

Drinking: Nothing at the moment. 

Wishing: That the next 5-ish months aren’t as awful as I’m anticipating them to be.

2012 In Review

I may be a few days late, but I thought it would be fun to take a look back over the past year via my little blog:

January: I started a monthly book roundup (that subsequently failed miserably), set some resolutions, and started training for my second half marathon.

February: Celebrated my last Valentine’s Day on the opposite end of the country as my guy, picked bikram yoga back up (and managed to hurt my knee pretty badly), signed up for a 15K, and got really run down by grad school. 

March: My brother turned 21, I ran a 15K (in sleet and freezing cold), and…that appears to be about it. 

April: I went on an amazing 24-hour road trip to Seattle with two of my friends during Spring Break, where I got amazing news about a fellowship I’d received, ran my second half marathon where I killed my PR, bought an iPhone, bought the first bikini I’ve ever owned, and went a San Diego for a conference (where I presented for the first time to a packed room!). 

May: I took a lot of photos (and didn’t write much), and my boyfriend came to visit!

June: I was quiet on the blog front, and was lucky enough to have my mom and brother come for a visit. ALSO – I officially finished my Master’s degree. 

July: I traveled up to Olympia, WA for an internship I was working on, and focused on getting some me-time in while I was in Portland. This may have also been the month during which I finally wore that bikini of mine for the first time ever!

August: I flew home to visit my family, and did some arts and crafts.

September: I learned a lot about balance, went to two different concerts on my own, had my picture taken for a style post on a music blog – a secret dream come true (the picture I’m currently using for my avatar), ate a lot of food, took a trip to a local Polish festival, and started my third year of grad school. 

October: I flew home for the wedding of two dear friends, proposed my comprehensive exams, bought a new laptop, and prepared for my boyfriend to move to Portland!

November: A month full of excitement and travel – my guy arrived in town (for good!) on the 5th, one of my best friends came to visit the following weekend, and I celebrated my 24th birthday with my closest friends.

December: I finished up the quarter, brewed beer with my guy, flew home for Christmas break, took up knitting, watched my brother graduate from college, and then just took a break. 

Looking back, I’d say it’s been one incredible year. I’m thrilled with the things I’ve accomplished, and I’m guessing 2013 has just as many – if not more – exciting things in store!