Monday Check-In

Obsessing Over: How the summer feels like it’s already halfway over, and I’ve yet to settle into any semblance of a routine; how I feel like I’m behind on a number of things; how I can’t get the motivation to get ahead and tackle so many of the things  I need to get done. (Sounds like someone’s got a case of the Monday’s.) 

Working On: At the moment, working on wrapping up my morning ritual of coffee and blog reading so that I can get dressed and out to a coffee shop to get some serious work done today! 

Thinking About:  What an amazing fourth of July weekend I just had. On the other hand, I’m trying to figure out what’s causing the knot I’ve had in the pit of my stomach for the last month or so. Bah. 

Anticipating: The new Zumba class I’m going to check out with some of my friends this evening. 

Listening To: The morning traffic outside of my apartment. 

Drinking: Nothing at the moment.

Wishing: That today is as productive as I’m hoping it will be!

Monday Check-In

Obsessing Over: Ironically, how to make my life simpler, easier, slower. I’m surrounded by a ton of clutter, and I keep having the desire to get rid of everything. 

Working On: Maybe actually trying to get some work done? Specifically, reading a chapter I’m lecturing on next week, prepping for a meeting later this week, and creating several ‘supervisor toolboxes’ for an intervention I’ve been assisting with. 

Thinking About:  What I actually want to get accomplished this summer (big picture things). How lucky I am to be living in the neighborhood I’m in. How grateful I am for the group of friends I’ve surrounded myself with. 

Anticipating: The curry chicken I have in the crockpot currently, and the themed (Mustache Ride!) bike ride I’m going on tonight with some friends. 

Listening To: “Promises” – Srillex & Nero

Drinking: Water – still recovering from the 7 miler I ran this morning. 

Wishing: That I could rustle up some motivation somewhere. 

Monday Check-In

Obsessing Over: Surprisingly, nothing at the moment. The closet thing I’m near “obsessing” over is coming up with a list of fun things I plan to do this summer!

Working On: Getting into a summer work routine. I foresee lots of afternoons at coffee shops in my future! Also, I’m currently trying to coordinate a writing group in my grad program. It’s something I’m actually excited about at the moment, and it feels nice to be energized by my work. 

Thinking About:  My health. I’ve been having a reoccurring issue over the last month or so, and I’m not sure if it’s allergies or what, but it’s been a daily struggle lately. I’m hoping my doctor has a solution!

Anticipating: Having the apartment to myself today and cooking dinner for my guy tonight. 

Listening To: Calvin Harris, “Feel So Close (Radio Edit)” (thank you, Pandora!)

Drinking: An iced coffee w/a shot of hazelnut. 

Wishing: That everything wasn’t so damn expensive. 

Monday Check-In

Obsessing Over: How much cleaning it’s going to take to get my apartment to where I want it to be. Ugh. 

Working On: Getting back on track with being on top of the things going on in my life. This weekend was a good start – I relaxed, cleaned, set some goals, and spent some quality time with my guy.  

Thinking About:  Today’s to-do list – I’ve got some big plans!

Anticipating: Seeing New Found Glory tonight! The 13 year old girl in me is squealing.   

Listening To: NFG’s “Forget My Name”

Drinking: My morning cup  of Stumptown’s Hairbender coffee. 

Wishing: That everything wasn’t so damn expensive. 

Monday Check-In

Obsessing Over: Nothing new here – the sheer amount of work that is involved with studying for my comps. The first week I felt like I spent too much time studying, and not enough time taking care of all of my other responsibilities – this week, I feel the exact opposite. I need to do an actual separate post on what this all entails, but suffice it to say, it’s a real pain in the butt. 

Working On: A million different things – reading journal articles, writing outlines, reading more journal articles, and trying to brainstorm ideas for a research project.

Thinking About: How lucky I am to have my amazing boyfriend here, who’s been incredibly supportive of me these past several weeks. Also the really fun and busy weekend we had with close friends. (Happy hour and brunch and hiking and dinner oh my!)

Anticipating: Mid-May when I can have my life back.  

Listening To: A quiet apartment; a murmured phone conversation in the other room. 

Drinking: Nothing…though I should probably get some water in me! 

Wishing: That I could spend the rest of the night knitting. 

Monday Check-In

Obsessing Over: At the moment, silly Cyber Monday deals. I probably won’t end up buying anything today, but it’s a fun way to waste some time and put off doing any work. 

Working On: See above. What I should be doing instead is working on a research proposal that I need to present on in two days. 

Thinking About: How much my life has changed since I last posted any real content on this blog. My November has been a series of pretty pictures according to what I’ve posted. In reality, it’s actually been a lot of wonderful memories, too. Things have changed for the infinitely better, I’d say. My boyfriend and I are finally in the same city (and for the time being, under the same roof), and I’m less stressed and anxious than I’ve been in ages. 

Anticipating: Finally being done with this quarter and getting to go home for my brother’s graduation and Christmas!

Listening To: The silence of mid-morning.

Drinking: Black orange spice tea. 

Wishing: That I can continue to find my groove and slowly settle back into a routine that works for me. “Balance” is my go-to word these days, and I’m looking for it in all aspects of my life – workplay, family, friends, and love. 

Monday Check-In

Obsessing Over: The fact that my boyfriend will finally be in Portland in a mere eight days. I have a ton of cleaning and organizing to do, but I’m so excited!

Working On: Nothing at the moment. I just finished doing some writing for a book chapter I’m working on with one of my professors, and am thinking about maybe doing some writing on a manuscript I’m working on. Or maybe not. I’m exhausted.

Thinking About: How sore I am from yesterday’s half marathon! That deserves a post all to itself, but suffice it to say the race went really, really well. Thankfully I was able to work from home today, so hopefully my legs will be feeling a little lot better tomorrow.

Anticipating: My new laptop coming in tomorrow (fingers crossed I’ll be home to get it!); as I mentioned before, my guy getting here in EIGHT DAYS; and my bestie from back home coming to visit in ELEVEN DAYS!

Listening To: ”Slow it Down” by The Lumineers

Drinking: Nothing at the moment.

Wishing: That my anxiety doesn’t turn me into a train wreck this week.

Monday Check-In

Obsessing Over: My to-do list. I’ve got one a mile-long this week, and I just need to keep checking things off of it. I’ve been pretty good at managing my school-related anxiety, but can feel myself starting to slip a bit with that, so I’m hoping I can stay focused this week. 

Working On: Writing Finishing a five page paper that’s due in about four hours. 

Thinking About: The half marathon I’ll be running this coming Sunday. My training’s been really wonky lately. I know I’ll finish the race, but it just might not be the prettiest thing ever!

Anticipating: Getting the laptop I finally got around to ordering last week. It won’t ship until this Friday (damn you, Windows 8!), so I have to wait at least until the end of next week before it’s here. Boo. 

Listening To: The news.

Drinking: Orange spice black tea. 

Wishing: That I can be productive this week while also managing to find time for myself. 

Monday Check-In

Obsessing Over: Getting ready for some big changes in my life that are coming verrrryyy soon. (Three-ish weeks from tomorrow, to be exact.) These next 21 days have the potential to turn me into a big stress-ball of anxiety, but I’m hoping to do everything in my power to not let that happen!

Working On: Reading. A manuscript. A comps proposal. Bah. 

Thinking About: Who I’m becoming right now. This sounds a lot more existential than it needs to, but [aside from my above comments about possibly turning into a stressball again] I’ve been a lot more calm, collected, and confident lately than I have in quite awhile. And it’s a good feeling. 

Anticipating: FINALLY buying a new laptop. These shenanigans have gone on for too long. 

Listening To: The news in on in the background. 

Drinking: Orange spice black tea. 

Wishing: That I’m able to savor every bit of the second half of October (already?!?!), and that my half marathon training gets back on track this week!

Monday Check-In

Obsessing Over: The fact that it’s October. The fact that I’m going home in 48 hours for the weekend. (That I have a pile of work to plough through before getting there.) 

Working On: Balance. I think I’m doing pretty well thus far, considering I just got back from a Monday night happy hour with friends. 

Thinking About: What type of laptop I’m going to buy. Mine officially went kaput on Saturday, and a friend has been amazing enough to let me borrow hers for a few days. I’m tempted by the Macs, but I don’t think I can justify the cost!

Anticipating: Flying home on Wednesday night for the wedding of two friends. I’m so, so, so happy that I’m going to be able to be there for it and catch up with people I haven’t seen in a little while, as well as spend time with my family before the quarter gets going. I need something more to ground me right now, and this will be perfect.

Listening To: The Shins, “The Rifle’s Spiral”

Drinking: Water. 

Wishing: That I maybe went with my first gut feeling on taking two classes this quarter. I am officially swamped, and hoping it’ll actually be worth it in the long run.