The Road to Recovery

Unfortunately, there were no runs in store for me this past weekend. 11-miles or otherwise. I even had to bow out of a hike with friends yesterday afternoon because all I wanted to do was crawl back into bed. Thankfully, a good weekend full of rest (and lots of medicine and Vitamin C) has me feeling quite a bit better. I’m still not at 100%, but I’m hoping by Tuesday morning, I’ll be feeling a million times better than I was at the same time last week. 

As much as it killed me, I recognized that my body was asking me (not so kindly) to give it a break and just rest. And I think it will be all the better for my mental state as I go into a pretty huge week (more on that later). In addition, I don’t think the week off of running is going to be the worst thing in the world for my training schedule. I’m going to do the most I can to run this week while I’m traveling, and I know that I still have it in me to crush this half marathon. (Crush by my standards = finish without dying.) 

In other news, I actually bought Gu on Friday, and borrowed a Camelbak from a friend yesterday. I’m well on my way to being a crazy hardcore runner.

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