Grad School Fitness

After falling off the wagon that was my exercise habit halfway through last quarter, I made a huge effort this week to get back to the gym. I’ve done three workout classes this week…I’d say that’s a pretty good start!

Something motivated me to hop on the scale before my cycling class today. I haven’t done this in months. I work out and eat decently to feel better, and I really haven’t been tracking my weight loss at all. So imagine my surprise when the numbers on the scale informed me that I’d lost another ten pounds in the last few months. What?! 

Since I never noted my weight when I got to Portland, I can’t be exactly sure of how much weight I’ve lost since school started, but I believe this puts my total somewhere around twenty pounds. Holy hell. I literally haven’t been this little since grade school.

My friends and I have jokingly dubbed this the “anxiety diet.” Grad school does crazy things to you. 

/end gushing.

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